ADHD & Autism Testing
Psychodiagnostic & Psychoeducational Assessments for Teens & Young Adults:
ADHD, Autism, Giftedness, and Mood Disorders Evaluations

Does this sound familiar?
- You are frustrated with not being able to get things done…
- You start a project – super excited and super invested – and weeks later that project is still waiting on you to work on it…
- You are able to be productive, but usually it’s not doing what you actually planned to do. Oops…
- You’ve always been able to get good grades, but it’s usually by waiting until the very. last. minute. then rushing to finish right before the deadline…
- You have to read and reread things – over and over, and over – just to get what it said … even things you enjoy
- Sometimes, you are able to “hyperfocus” … and in those sweet moments, you. are. UNSTOPPABLE! Oh yeah
- You have to read and reread things – over and over, and over – just to get what it said … even things you enjoy
- You really were trying to listen to what they said, but then you got distracted by your thoughts, then by that spot on the wall, then again by your thoughts and wondering what they just said, ugh…
- You wonder why it seems you can’t manage to do what YOU KNOW you’re able to do. Like, WTH. People joke that you’re just lazy or dumb, but you know that’s not it. There is a disconnect, you need to know what it is!
- You don’t know if it’s depression, anxiety, ADHD, all 3, or something else. You just want to find out what’s wrong and learn how to deal with it!

These challenges no longer have to get in your way at work or in school!
You no longer have to over-work trying to make up for times of inattention, lack of focus, procrastination, and low motivation. There is actually something that can help you get to the root of what’s causing these issues, and get answers on how to deal with them.
I provide targeted testing services to help lead you (or your teen) to the steps needed to overcome these barriers and help level the playing field, so you’re no longer trying to juggle with one hand tied behind you. You will finally be able to have your performance match your ability level and what you know you are capable of doing! Many of my clients are highly gifted, but also struggling with ADHD, Autism, or mood issues (i.e., twice exceptional)
Professional assessment and diagnosis may assist with identifying the treatments, strategies, & ADA disability accommodations that will help you to finally be able to show what you know on exams, at school, and at work.
-Dr. Monica Blied
Description of the Evaluation Process for ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Mood Disorders, and Learning Differences:
What does the Assessment process involve?
Through the assessment process, I help to uncover the areas that are challenging you, as well as identify your strengths! Here is the breakdown of the assessment process: The assessment process begins with a clinical interview where you and I will sit down together (usually over tele-health/video) and review your current and past struggles. You will complete a number of inventories and questionnaires at home and return to me via email for review. I will also review any records you have from school report cards, college transcripts, and previous testing. That’s all just to get us started…
What happens on the first day of testing?
On the days of testing, we will sit together (via video call online or in person) and go through a number of activities that will explore many areas of functioning. Some of the evaluation is done using iPads that I provide, some over the computer, some using blocks or other things you will manipulate with your hands, while other parts are completed using traditional paper and pen.
The in-person and/or video testing takes place over 4-9+ hours, which can be divided between 1-3 days. Before this, we will meet for a clinical interview. The clinical interview takes place by video, and typically lasts 2-3 hours. For autism testing, there will be an additional autism evaluation interview by video, which typically lasts 2-3 hours and can involve just the parents of the person being evaluated, or the client and their family members (partners, friends, parents). Dr. Blied determines which is the best fit after the clinical interview.

****COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS in 2024: I am committed to keeping my clients and our families safe. We still both wear masks throughout the entire testing process. I have a air purifier running the entire time and sanitizing hand wipes are used for all items. Ask me about other measures I take for health and safety****

Areas (domains) of comprehensive testing include:
- Intelligence (Verbal Comprehension, Non-verbal/Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, and Working Memory)
- Learning & Memory (Verbal and Non-verbal)
- Achievement (Reading, Written Expression, and Mathematics)
- Executive Functioning
- Attention & Concentration
- Mood/Emotions
- Language
- Motor Functioning
- and, Effort.

What happens after testing?
Once testing is completed. I score and evaluate everything you have done, and also review the records you have provided me. This is followed by a feedback session (typically 1-2 weeks later) where you will learn your diagnosis, learn more about your specific strengths and challenges, receive guidance on how to begin managing your condition(s), and receive referrals to specialists to help with your next steps.
Will I receive a written summary of the results?

Yes! You will receive a 2-5 page “feedback handout” which details your diagnosis and also provides referrals and recommendations for the next steps in managing your condition(s). If you choose, you can also receive a formal report which will include a summary of your testing results and background, and can be emailed to you around 4-6 weeks after the feedback session. With the comprehensive assessment option, this report can be used to support ADA accommodations for school, work, or high-stakes testing (i.e., for the SAT, GRE, ACT, LSAT, MCATs, etc.)
So, tell me again what all is included in the assessment process?
The targeted assessment includes: records review, clinical interview, testing, feedback session, professional consultation, a feedback handout, and an optional formal report with a strengths-based explanation of testing results, along with suggestions for school or work accommodations or high-stakes testing accommodations
*The testing option described above includes approximately 32-40 total clinical hours (add-on services are charged at hourly rate)
Abbreviated psychodiagnostic assessment option for ADHD (or Autism Spectrum + ADHD), IQ & mood disorders:
The psychodiagnostic assessment** is used to help determine if you are living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and/or any psychological or mood disorders. This psychodiagnostic testing will help you know your diagnosis and give recommendations for next steps. Included are a clinical interview to understand your history and diagnose any co-occurring mood disorders (or two interviews if you are also being evaluated for autism), diagnostic inventories, records review, and an objective assessment of intelligence and attention & concentration, as well as an evaluation of the domains sensitive to problems with attention: working memory, processing speed, and executive functioning.
This option involves approx. 18-24 clinical hours investment (less testing and time involved than the comprehensive testing option above)
**This option is not suitable if the report/scores are needed to document the need for accommodations for the SAT

So, how much is the assessment?
The assessment process is an investment of both your time and finances. Testing fees range from $3900-7000, depending on your evaluation needs. In addition to accepting HSA/FSA cards, & all major credit cards*, I accept CareCredit to give my clients additional financing options. Click here to see if you qualify.
*I also provide a “superbill” (or receipt for insurance reimbursement) at the feedback session, so you can pursue reimbursement from your insurance company using your out-of-network benefits*
Dr. Blied is out-of-network with private insurance.
Use the tool below to see your insurance benefits for out-of-network reimbursement. Please email if you need a specific list of the billing/procedure codes she uses for ADHD and Autism assessments.
ADHD Resources
Autism Resources