I want to encourage you to engage with the Faces of Health app content regularly, as every moment spent can lead to valuable insights and personal growth.
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The content in the Faces of Health app is designed specifically to empower you to take charge of your wellness, offering effective strategies that require minimal energy but make a significant impact on your mental health.
I invite you to watch “Intro to Havening Touch for Self-Comfort and Ease,” which can be found in the Somatic Exercises section of the Body-based Skills module.
In this video, you’ll explore Havening Touch, a body-based intervention that promotes relaxation and effective stress management grounded in trauma treatment. By practicing simple self-touch and self-hug techniques, you can gently shift yourself out of the fight or flight response, encouraging your body to release oxytocin—the pleasure chemical that fosters feelings of comfort and connection.
To learn more about the app and its features, please follow this link: www.facesofhealth.net. Taking just a few minutes to engage with this content can really uplift your day.
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